
eSports Organization/Lifestyle Brand #ALWAYSCHOSEN

We are looking for team members to recruit, for our newly launched ORG. Must play/stream Fortnite on a consistent basis at a high level.

Follow our socials:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrFZK7-M4JtpZ5hdMOMRRvw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CH0SENONES
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chosenonesesports
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ch0senones/

Join our discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/ZH7Nr7U



Can I join your clan my Xbox name is YoBoyJanitor, and my epic is Asmo Takes walls

quero entrar

quero entrar

let me tryout please

Change for this one 

I want trail 

i want to 1v1 some good players in this clan

Anyone wants play because I’m kinda rusty right now

 All chosen ones let’s play squad with the new player me

I'm a pro player who is looking to join a clan. So can I 1v1 this clan so I can join?

I am a decent mobile player on 20 FPS and I have 190+ wins, about to get my 200th

Let's play in creative 1v1 zone wars. Add my epic username: The Hyper Gamers

lets play

Just looking for a clan

Hi... im 11 but im good at the game don’t ave a lot of wins because im all the time in creative i don’t ave a YouTube channel because it would be really cringy but i will post a video to show you guys my skill you will be alerted 

1v1 Me so I can join

1v1 me i am new at this clan i wanna now if you guys are good🙂

If u like and sub to my YouTube:(Tolus on crack) comment below or epic and I'll gift u something And your epic tag mine is  Tolus on crack

I am going to be doing creative tournament, winner gets gifted something a couple days later. My epic is DeathShadowsssss

1v1s fortnite. Epic is Beastslayer_22b