FaZe clan for under 14s. To join, beat me twice in a build battle. Must have over 3 wins. Defaults are allowed. For PC, PS4, XBox and Switch.
could i tryout im a girl but im goated could the tryouts be in April 1st at any time
i want tryouts tommorow at 6am naw time add my discord and my insta to dm me my insta is private https://www.instagram.com/crackedplayzz0/?hl=en and my discord username is IWENEGADE WAIDER#5972
My name=Justin Ohn
Hi I still need to tryout
Also my PSN is ElDirtyDiego
1v1 zone wars is showing how your skills\how good your your are. 10 wins will be it so if I win you will have to friend me but if you win you don't have to friend me.
Bow fights 2v2
Trying to get in a clan
I want to 1v1
pls 1v1 me i want to be in a clan my name on fortnite is Your_hard
I would like to Try-out for this I was in 78 clan recently and would like to try this clan out my epic games is KeA oN iPaD Btw I’m a professional mobile player on Fortnite Thanks For LilKea
Hello i Only want to do this for din OK
Hello . I want to tryout . My Fortnite name is Sn1per Bill
Hello. My fortnite name Sn1per Bill
I want build battle for a clan.
Im Ready To Tryout
Meet the FaZe clan Jr. members! Mics or no mics, any skin. Any platform. My name - bigshape (I am on PS4)
my username is ITSMEHUZAIFA
Add me let's 1v1 StalledDonkey is account