FaZe Mobile Clan

FaZe Clan Requirements

-Have Over 15 Wins

-Over 12 Years Old

-Clean Language

-Change Epic Name At epicgames.com by logging on and going to account settings and change display name to: FaZe (Name Goes Here)



 Friend request: FaZe PoisonRain 

 Everyone will be invited at 3:30 For Tryouts In Playgrounds. 




hi am i able to try out i am 14 i have a new acct with 62 wins i think i am good but idk abt that you will have to tell me i just changed my epic to FaZe kingplunge thx

when would i be able to try out i am avalible at 1;25 every day i am 14 btw

Aight Let’s 1v1 on creative mode add me on fun at LaFantum

Add me so that i can join, im super good on mobile

can you see these messages

Just saying that to the people that tried-out with me, I am not a faze member I am an ELiTe clan member so sorry for the disappointment but if you want there might actually be space in my clan for you

My gamertag is Exponential_jUaN add me please so i can tryout

On the add part it says that i cannot add faZe PoisonRain

On the add friend part it says that FaZe PoisonRain is not accepting friend request

I am fortnite moblie god I have 100% god moblie aim and I want to be in a clan


Clan Tryouts for FaZe Clan

Tell me when your ready my ign is JaydenEats21 

May I pls tryout tmr at 11am 

1v1 me I have over 100 wins platform mobile  you can choose the guns and fun fact  i also killed a streamer called ducky the gamer 

I need a try out pld

Hey allow freind requests and let me try out trust me my username is : Faze_Code X

Dúos who’s up to the challenge freind request me

I can’t change my name from aakdisthebestp2 to faze aakdisthebestp2 so do I still be in faze or u kick me out?

Just to test u guys a out why u joined faze :) user:aakdisthebestp2

1v1 today at 9:00 pm username Faze_Code X in there world

Can I have a tryout I already joined so ummm ye pls can I have a tryout

I wanna tryout for this clan I’m 12 I will change my name if I make it username galaxyboyplayzyt reply so I know

Hi, im new and i would like to tryout for FaZe Mobile Clan

you can t beat me

Hi  i'm from fazeking  event coming is in january 4th 2020 at 1:00pm be. There soon


How can i join

Can i join add me LL Anime LL

Join my clan it Hax And I’m ganna Change my name to Hex Teams

We Will Do Duos Witch Ever Team Gets The Most Eliminations Wins.Join Us

get big a fight kids. this is a friendly competition I am joking by the sounding toxic. do not hate me 

Only good skins

Add my epic Laserstreaker for creative tryouts/1v1 

Playgrounds Match To Enter Clan
