NIce fortnite clan

This clan is for non toxic kids, no mean words and be kind.
Have to be nice and don't judge people on there skin you do not need to be good. Also if you are mean and say mean words we may kick you. Also we need couple more people so if you join that will be nice we will gift members and do fashion shows and have fun. 

Add me on Epic dalto1234



help the kitty army achive vctory

try outs that i can go to


try outs

Once again like yesterday "I'm Bored" crazy right but For real just want to see how good some of yall are and if yall are nice so yea, come if you want

Elmo Let's make a bet me and you will go into a creative and we will 1v1 and whoever gets to 10 wins and if I lose you get to stay and I will leave if I win you have to say sorry to Chloe and then you will have to leave the clan and I get to stay sound like a deal?

my user is coco838383 add me- sorry i gtg rn be back soon.

i will plaay today

lets do creative role play

help our kitty army  help please :3

nice clan only

600 or 630 tell me

we can play what ever you want

Can any one join at this time

Please join and add me Dalto1234
