
An new team looking for members of any rank of any skill, to play together win games and most importantly show the community what we are made of. 
  • Must have at least any rank one season ago (no fresh 50s)
  • Has discord and a mic
  • On Xbox or Playstation
  • Willing to play in teams
Non-Enforced Guidelines/Things we hope for:
  • A fun environment during games
  • No blatant throwing matches
  • Dynamic operator choices(No strict maining)
  • Building chemistry with other members
  • Respect people of lower ranks and understanding of that they were you at some point
I hope that you are winning to become a member of Revelion we aren't to strict on who joins make sure that you send in a screenshot of your ranked history and the vital stats from r6tracker so you meet our requirements.

Discord Server:
