Rapture Gaming - Battlegronds(PUBG)

Rapture Gaming is an active and friendly community with well minded gamers alike. We are a community of mature gamers looking to have fun and also competitive play. We host weekly game nights for our different battalions that are within the community. You will never have to play alone since we have members worldwide and on all times of day.

Join the Discord & !battlegrounds → https://discord.gg/tHD67pr
Our Mission: We are a new community put together and built for the purpose of our member’s enjoyment. We focus on member maturity and respect towards each member. We Have members with different perspectives, backgrounds, races, and religions.
working headset
17 or older
good and positive attitude towards fellow members and players
Join the discord server and join !BATTLEGROUNDS
Please don't hesitate to contact me on discord if you have any questions: 
IM SO SALTY88#7343



Hosted by none other than myself, we will be kicking the night off with PUBG and depending on demand will continue on with that or be jumping over to APEX later in the night