Salty Army

We are looking for members! If you join we will help you and you wont regret joining!



Create a random event for a shout out 

Tournaments are next week! we will do box fights in creative and the winner gets gifted anything from the item shop! 

The event we will invite you to watch the even with us! this day is just a hangout day no tryouts just having fun in the doomsday event! Sorry for the delay! We will do the event like in 7 days or so~

I am away on the 28th so please note that zone war training will be suspended for a day and have a nice day thank you

So the other one got deleted but were doing tryouts send you epic name in the comments below and please join the event so it wont be confusing! One more thing it will be in creative 1v1 map. Thanks have a nice day!

none It was imposible! we totaly forgot about it!
