SMÔKE clan

Hello everyone! I created this clan inspired by one of my friends. The clan tag is actually SMÔKE. We’re a small group of mobile players but playing with us is a guaranteed win! My clan is strictly OG’s only. Feel free to add me, K3LS SMÔKE. You could also add my good friend QUEEN SMÔKE, if I don’t respond or forget to add anyone then you could also add her. 



Iris skin or defult

my clan will be recuriting members into our clan!  if you would like to apply, apply here

Awsome map I made so if you want to join me any time you can if you join I'll give vbucks

Can I try out?

For my tryout epic Name= Sn0wManYT

We can do 1v1s my epic is ttvfarmerfanboy

Hi I am a new member can I meet some of you hoes


add me snoopasaurus i dont have a mic though

Use creator code Lupus

I want join the clan my name is  spirit_Leoツ just looking for a clan I only do creative and I play sometimes when I have free time

hit me up wid a fr at nopegunw at fortnite

hit me up wid a fr rec at nopegunw and lets play some sqauds

Can i Join Ur clan 

Just wnt to play with someone

Just wnat to play with someone 

Hey my name is Eli and I want to join a fortnite clan I am a very good fortnite player and i will join your clan!


Add me: IBeSweatingOnU just looking for someone to play

Add my PlayStation 4 account Xxsupreme_tay

If you guys text me we can play. My number is 908-963-3170

Can we pls get an anwser from the idiots that started this clan and never say or do anything with it seriosly 

is the big tournament: name player: SMÔKE-CELLI

1v1 me plz my  epic id is HeyitsmeAdam2.0

Come play with me and let’s get some dubs 

I’m on mobile but people say I’m on Xbox 

I am a mobile plsyer

User name TrashpandaTTV

Clan war                good luck

I’m a very good mobile player and wanted to join. I’ll 1v1 the leader best 2 of 3 if you win I’ll leave 

hi im a moblie player that is looking to join your mobile clan

Hi I'm am galaxy s10 player I'm asking to join a fortnite clan 😀
