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*BREAKING NEWS* Aiether Hates Simounet

February 28, 2015 6:28 AM UTC
This just in! Today, allegedly, Aiether Jones (Stormreaver) attacked Simounet directly by taking his trinket with use of the lottery. This violent assualt outraged agility users, as clearly Enhancement shamans are the God-Class and need all gear. More at 11.
February 28, 2015 6:34 AM UTC
*Update* The level of ownage displayed by the rapidly growing hunter loot class is said to be possibly the largest and most severe display of said ownage in recent history. Scientists within the world community are currently trying to calculate just how bad the damage is and hope that a plan can be put in place to repair and better prevent incidents of this magnitude... Quaff.
February 28, 2015 6:35 AM UTC
It's 11 in 30 minutes, will there really be more news?
February 28, 2015 6:40 AM UTC
In related news the salt shortage in Tennessee has been solved this evening. A sudden surplus was found around midnight and is enough to supply the entire state and the surrounding areas. The man of the night, Aiether, claims to have found a way to produce salt on at will and is looking to a long and prosperous future.
February 28, 2015 6:46 AM UTC
In more related news,the shortage of BATH salts has been atrributed to one "simonet" said to be a local peddler of the extra-tacular mind vacations.