Thank you for your interest in joining our guild.
Keep in mind before applying:
* The format of the template below should be followed and is the minimum of information that should be included in your application.
*Feel free to add additional information you think is relevant, and don't worry about your application being too long.
*Copy and paste this template into a new comment below and answer every question. The topic name should contain your characters name, class and spec.
A. Personal Information:
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Location:
4. Occupation:
5. Previous MMOs played:
6. Other favourite games:
B. Character Information
1. Post Armory Link:
2. Name:
3. Class:
4. Race:
5. What is your main spec? Do you mind changing them if required?
6. What glyphs are you using and why?
7. How is your gear? Comment on your current gear. Mention any offspec gear you have.
8. What is your experience in end game raid instances? Include vanilla until current instance experience if applicable. I
9.How often do you play World of Warcraft? On what times and days of the week are you usually online? We plan on currently raiding from 9:00 to 12:00 pm server time. We may look into weekend raiding, but for now it will mainly be in that time frame. The days will depend on schedules. Attendance is important and to be successful expect at least 90% of the time. Things may happen from time to time, but attendance is the key to progression for the guild.
10. Are there any foreseeable obligations that may cause you to be consistently late or miss raid nights (i.e. school, job, etc.)
11.What guild(s) have you been in before applying, and why did you leave them?
12. Do you have Ventrilio and a Microphone/Headset, and are you comfortable talking in raid?
13. It has been a long application (Hopefully you are still here), lets end with a fun question. Favorite candy and why.